The Holland House gathering is 2 of my long time friends, Jean and Cheryl, from Jr. High. who get together at least once a year at some place fun to ....of course, have a good time! Where does the name come from you say? Well one year , when we were having a particularly good time, I had brought a couple Home Spa Recipe books as gifts, and we tried a few of the recipes for Facials. All made with natural ingredients,(strawberries, oatmeal, honey, etc.) some were just too drippy to be without a basin under ones chin. So they did supply a lot of laughter. Jean has a house in Galena, where we met, with a Historical plaque called the Holland House, and after Champagne...... or was it Margaritas..... or maybe Chocolate Martini's, we became the Holland House Spa Girls!
and scroll down to Part D we're on right after the French girl.
Oct. 17, 2009
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