Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Church Window you say.......

Yes! This is in fact a window that was a custom order as a memorial. It's located in a Catholic church in the Green Bay area. The church had been rebuilt and wanted to stick with a more contemporary nature and so required that there were no images. It was so much fun to work on. There are actually 2 windows that are about 5' x 18"  and are mirror images of each other. There are some amber squares made by Chicago Art Glass called turtle backs and some glass nuggets as well as some wonderfully textured glasses in greens, ambers and clears. Remember  you can click on the close up views for a larger image. Enjoy! 

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Kath, this is a gorgeous window! I like the suggestion of wings (brings to mind doves, spirit, flight) and the variety of color you included. It's a "wow"!