Monday, September 27, 2010

More Bayfield photos I couldn't fit in the first time...

I asked a friend, Marianne, who is married to a Frenchman and lives in Spain, for the correct translation here, thinking it would simply be Dog House, but wanting to make sure I had my French terms correct. Technically it should be Maison du Chien. It needed the correct article. The way it is here (Maison) implies something that is homemade or other words "Homecooked Dog"! I had a bit of a laugh at that as I don't think the Orchard owners would ever want to roast their sweet doggie.  Below is the resident "Chein", namely Daisy Mae, the perfect greeter dog for an Apple Orchard.

There was also this spectacular restored truck in what else, but probably candy apple red. The light was so bright and the truck so red that it was nearly impossible to get a good photo, but then I thought this actually shows you how almost neon it was.

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