Monday, October 26, 2009

Points for my Son Ben....

Lots and lots of points go to my son Ben!! He presented me with these lovely roses while I was in Madison for our Annual Holland House Spa Girls weekend. What a good kid! They're still looking pretty good too. He and his girlfriend Lauren graced us with their presence at dinner and a tour of their place. It was a fun night.

The Holland House gathering is 2 of my long time friends, Jean and Cheryl, from Jr. High. who get together at least once a year at some place fun to ....of course, have a good time! Where does the name come from you say? Well one year , when we were having a particularly good time, I had brought a couple Home Spa Recipe books as gifts, and we tried a few of the recipes for Facials. All made with natural ingredients,(strawberries, oatmeal, honey, etc.) some were just too drippy to be without a basin under ones chin. So they did supply a lot of laughter. Jean has a house in Galena, where we met, with a Historical plaque called the Holland House, and after Champagne...... or was it Margaritas..... or maybe Chocolate Martini's, we became the Holland House Spa Girls!

The H2SG even made it on the Michael Feldman radio show Whad Ya Know? that Sat. To catch us on the air go to
and scroll down to Part D we're on right after the French girl.
Oct. 17, 2009

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